

22.) 23.10. – 1.11.

A passive attitude and a constant accumulation of things, goods and real estate has put you in a position to stagnate. You cared too much about what you have, and you devoted yourself too much to it. You didn’t realize that there was a need for a radical transformation and that things are never rigid and eternal. Everything is changing, and you need to learn to accept change is something you will learn through this present life. That is why it will often put you in situations where you will have to change things or even tear them down, all to start all over again. It is possible to find yourself in a challenging, restless or even warrior environment where you really need to act fast and smart and accept that you are losing first to rebuild from scratch.

23.) 2.11. – 12.11.

You were a very respectable citizen, well-fed and conventional to the point that he avoided any fresh wind that would come into his life. You didn’t want to replace the stability you loved with anything new, so you went a little dull. Now life brings you challenges of new things and changes that you will have to go through even though you would rather avoid them. There is no longer the possibility of passively surrendering and maintaining the status quo. Still, you need to boldly step forward, strip things and actively participate in creating something new or at least significantly different from what you first have or are. This life brings many transformations, so it is possible that some friends from your youth will not be able to recognize you later.

24.) 13.11. – 22.11.

You have built and provided yourself with everything a man could wish for, and now you are wondering why and why all this. You were probably rich or at least well-to-do, but your wealth overwhelmed you a little over time because you didn’t find fulfillment in it. Now, in this life, you are looking for new values, looking for something sublime, spiritual, and the need to change or change ossified patterns is excellent. Sometimes your actions are almost destructive, but break down old structures to start building new ones. You understand storms and unbeliefs and accept them as a welcome wind in your back that will move you to deeper and more active participation in the weaving of life.

25.) 23.11. – 2.12.

You have spent your past life in many contacts and developed the art of communication on a superficial level. It is never a problem for you to start a conversation, but it often comes down to banal topics. You know how to draw people into every kind of topic. Now comes the time when you need to bring this praiseworthy ability of yours under control and direct it to higher levels. You will no longer be allowed to talk about anything and everything. Still, you will need to choose words and situations and think more carefully before you say or do anything. The lesson of silence for you is one of the most precious in life. Dealing with philosophy and deeper considerations as well.

26.) 3.12. – 12.12.

You’ve probably spent your life in a petty-bourgeois environment dedicated to peering over neighbors’ fences with all those tiny imperfections brought about by a small community. The temptations of gossip, gossip, and hypocrisy are something that you need to beware of as a target and an active mover of the same. You need to overcome these old habits of yours now with a broader view of the world, overcoming boundaries, as well as resisting prejudice. The little world you brought from a past life now needs to expand, and one of the best ways to expand your horizons is education (the more, the better for you) as well as travel. You need to be patient and tolerant of anyone you come across in all of this. Snobbery is an abyss that pulls you backwards.

26.) 3.12. – 12.12.

You’ve probably spent your life in a petty-bourgeois environment dedicated to peering over neighbors’ fences with all those tiny imperfections brought about by a small community. The temptations of gossip, gossip, and hypocrisy are something that you need to beware of as a target and an active mover of the same. You need to overcome these old habits of yours now with a broader view of the world, overcoming boundaries, as well as resisting prejudice. Your little world you brought from a past life now needs to expand, and one of the best ways to expand your horizons is education (the more, the better for you) as well as travel. You need to be patient and tolerant of anyone you come across in all of this. Snobbery is an abyss that pulls you backwards.

27.) 13.12. – 21.12.


You have told the most beautiful stories and connected many people thanks to your open spirit and communication ability. You were probably a messenger who brought a lot of news to many people. That is why you perfectly understand the essence of communication and make contacts with ease even now. But the path takes you to higher levels and in front of you is a wide expanse of new ideas and spaces that have yet to be discovered and conquered. Every research and trip for you is a balm that contributes to the development of your personality. Crossing all boundaries is an imperative for you that you might sometimes avoid, but you are aware that you need to go that route. Many will be taken to the other end of the business. The feeling of freedom scares you at first, but you can no longer do without it over time.


28.) 22.12. – 30.12.

The artistic lifestyle and occasional wanderings you needed as a source for your inspirations have made you a person who often indulges in the moment and reacts spontaneously without any preparation or organization. You really lived a relaxed and somewhat bohemian life. That is why you are still a fascinating person because you have had the opportunity to explore and experience what many have never been able to. But now is the time when you need to fit all your rich experiences and intoxication with life into your life purposefully and in an organized way. Organizing, taking responsibility and controlling things and the situation around you are necessary virtues that you definitely need to develop in this life.

29.) 31.12. – 9.1.

A peaceful family environment and patriotism have been the source of your motives and the purpose of your past life. You may have been even an ordinary housewife but probably very happy and committed to everything related to the family atmosphere. That is why even now you need to provide your loved ones with everything they need, so you are ready to work all day. But this time you need to work more for yourself and develop a higher style of organization and influence on the people you work with. You are expected to create a career without remorse that will require qualities such as seriousness, professionalism and responsibility.

30.) 10.1. – 19.1.

You have understood the essence of intimacy and the meaning of family satisfaction to the core. You have probably achieved a very fulfilling family life in a past life in which there have been several generations. Now is the time to move a little further and accomplish some goals that reach beyond the family backyard. You definitely need to be professionally educated and trained as much as possible. You should make the most of every career development opportunity and climb a step higher. You have all the qualities to develop into a great leader, manager, or come to such a position where you will control things and people around you.