
5 Most Cruel Signs Of The Zodiac: The First Is Verbally Almost Invincible

3. Capricorn 

The Capricorn is an Earth sign with a dark side to it. Once it gives in to its dark side, it pushes aside all the social norms. So he won’t feel ashamed of becoming cruel if it helps its progress.

The lack of empathy makes it feel good about others’ misery.

2. Aries 

Aries is a rigid Fire sign, which is cruel once it is pissed off. The Aries is a sore loser; if you get in the way of its goal, be prepared for the worst.

Any kind of competition will bring out his wrong side. Once it wins or proves its point, he returns to his charming self. But by then, it is already late.

1. Leo 

Leo is also a passionate Fire sign who likes being the center of attention. He is so charming and attractive that you cannot help but fall in love. But, if it ever feels threatened, he will rip you to pieces.

Leo can be diplomatic and say the right thing at the right time. But don’t get fooled. This kitty can show its claws.

5 Most Stubborn Zodiacs on Planet Earth

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