
The Confessions of a Mistress: Why You Shouldn’t Be the Other Woman

I was his lover or the other woman. Call it however you want. It doesn’t matter as much as what I learned.

Doctor Fabian Slam poured her soul into a site and told her story of being a mistress. “There are a lot of women who live in the married man’s shadow. I am one of those, but I decided not to keep quiet, “– she said for the site “Your Tango.”

Here are the lessons she learned : 

I did it against my better judgment 

It happened four years ago. I met him at a business meeting. He has so handsome, but he was married. Despite that, we had such strong chemistry that I forgot all about my moral code. I told myself it was okay – he was unhappily married, and I just thought of a toxic marriage. Now I realize these were excuses.

He asked me for a cup of coffee, and I said Yes, then one thing led to the other … and next thing you know, we are lovers. Honestly, this was against my better judgment, and even though I tried to resist, I fell for him. If I ignore the feeling of guilt, it is just worse. I can only admit to the mistake.

There is nothing glamorous about hiding your love 

I was married for 20 years to a cheating husband. I never could imagine I would be the other woman. 

We secretly met at my place. If we had a trip, we would separate at the airport since his wife would be waiting for him.

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