
These 4 Zodiacs Are the Best Lovers: Here’s How to Make Him Yours

The young at heart lover ~ Sagittarius 

Playful and childish by nature, the Sagittarius stays young at heart and open to experimenting in the sack. This temper makes them passionate at first, but they quickly lose interest. If you are looking for just an adventure, Sagittarius is great for you.

101 on how to seduce the Sagittarius 

They like the gentle touch, with hips and thighs being the G-spot. They want someone cheerful with the same sense of humor. You should strike hard and catch the Sagittarius by surprise. If you try to kiss them, they won’t turn you down.

People pleaser ~ the Pisces

Man in Blue Dress Shirt and Black Formal Suit

They will give you the satisfaction you will never forget. The Pisces is a people pleaser; they are happiest when other people are so glad. They solve every issue by makeup $ex.

101 on how to seduce the Pisces 

Since Pisces likes someone who takes the initiative, you should be bold and make the first move.

Hard To Love, Even Harder to Resist: 4 Zodiacs That Are Always Getting You into Trouble

These 4 Zodiacs Will Love You till The End of Time