
These Are the Zodiac Signs Who Are Born Under the Lucky Star

Some people seem to always have good luck, right? So let’s see which zodiacs were born under the lucky stars and which could always be jinxed.


While your ruling planet Mars likes to fight, it doesn’t mean you will spend your life-fighting. 

Actually, you are born to be a winner of every battle.

You are intelligent, motivated, and articulated – your happiness reflects your strong personality.


It seems like life always has some kind of unpleasant surprise for you.

Although you sometimes feel unlucky, the sole fact that you are still here, surviving all the difficulties in life – the proof you don’t need luck. You will find your way.


It is hard to say, but you are not so lucky. In reality, your life is full of endless challenges and obstacles.

However, there is good news: your thirst for knowledge will get you far. Even further away than luck would take you. Who needs charm and good luck with such a brilliant mind? 


Your sign is one of the rare ones that are truly blessed.

Although there is always some challenge ahead, you have an inborn feeling of guidance and skills that guide you in the right direction.


 You are so wise and determined, so you don’t have to worry about being lucky or not. Your life is like clay, and you are the artist who will shape it as you want.

Forget the four-leaf clover; you are the master of your luck.


Happiness has always been out of reach, and you are used to that feeling of disappointment. However, it may seem like your life is way worse than others, and there’s a reason for that.

You are here to experience difficulties, learn from them and then show the world what it takes to overcome them.

From this perspective, you and the people around you should feel lucky to know you. 

grayscale portrait of man wearing white dress shirt on black background

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