
These Are the Zodiac Signs Who Are Born Under the Lucky Star


Hey, you lucky guy! It’s no secret that you are an eternal optimist, and life goes precisely as you want it to. If you have ever asked yourself how you avoid accidents by a thread, the answer is – your perception.

You can say thank you to your ruling planet – Venus, because you see the glass half full, and you are pretty lucky in life.


Even though you may notice the bad things in life, the truth is you are actually fortunate. If you put just a little effort into something you want, you can make your dreams come true. Even if you suddenly change your plan, everything will go your way.

Many people are not the masters of their own destiny, so you should consider yourself pretty lucky.


Congrats, you are one of the lucky ones! Jupiter, your blessed ruler, helps you make lemonade out of the shit you get.

Of course, it will not be easy –peasy lemon squeezy, but that’s life. You will always find a solution. 


You were meant to be a leader, so you face difficulties and obstacles first, leaving none for the others. Yet, you always do it with such grace and easiness.

As long as you are emotionally and mentally invested, you will be lucky enough to get to the finish line.


You deserve a big warm hug because, lets be honest, you are the unluckiest. 

Life is never fair to you, and you always fight to keep your head above water. Even if it looks like you are about to drown in the tide of unhappiness, your head is always on the surface.


A long time ago, the lucky Jupiter was your planet. Even though it has switched to Neptune, the inspiration and ability planet, Jupiter still has some influence.

It means you have double the guidance, double the luck.


grayscale portrait of man wearing white dress shirt on black background

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