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This Is for All the Women Who Had Their Hearts Broken but Still Managed to Find the Strength to Love Again

This is for that one woman who knows exactly what she wants. This is for the woman with big dreams. This is for the woman who will not let anything or anyone stand in her way. 

This is for the one who always speaks her mind; this is for the one who isn’t afraid to stand up for her.

This is for the woman who knows how it feels to be completely destroyed by another human. This is for all the women who had their hearts broken but still managed to find the strength to love again. 

This is for you to learn you are not the only one. This is for you to know you are still worth it. Bigger things are waiting for you. This is for you to know that you are enough, you are great, you are smart enough, good enough, and you can do anything you set your mind to.

You deserve all the love in this world. You earn your fairytale.

You are, and you will never be alone. 

Toxic People: How to Avoid the Constant Complainers?

woman's face

This Is Why a Woman in Her 40s Is More Attractive Than a Young One