
Woman With 7 Miscarriages Shares Her Emotional Road To Motherhood

Trisha shared what happened in that hospital room on her Facebook page:

“My baby was born with no heartbeat. No oxygen to the brain. No pulse. He was revived after 11 long minutes.

He was diagnosed with severe brain damage.

I remember it like it was yesterday, being told my son would have no quality of life… being told to just ‘pull the plug.’

I remember sitting in the hospital, praying, hoping, crying. I remember wanting to fix him. I remember feeling so useless, my body had failed my son. I felt broken.”

As a mother, this was the hardest thing Trisha ever had to deal with!

Facebook/Trisha Long Bell

Before giving up on her newborn, Trisha had the urge to do something so motherly and instinctual, she just knew it had to work, via BoredDaddy.

“As I sat next to his bed trying to figure out what I could do to help him, I finally realized there WAS something I could do. As his mother, I knew I could provide the very most important thing that no one else could offer, MY MILK!

I didn’t nurse my oldest son, Urijah, for more than 3 months.

So with Ezrah I knew this was what I needed to do, without question, no matter how hard it got. He was fighting for his life, and this was the only way I could truly give him my all! I didn’t know if my milk would do much for his injury, but I had so much faith that it would.

In 1977, Nurse Saved Badly Burned Baby. 38 Years Later, She Sees Her Old Photo on Facebook and Freezes

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